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Kangni New Energy 2021 Annual Business Meeting and Commendation Meeting

On January25, 2022, Kangni New Energy held the 2021 annual operation meeting and commendation meeting at the Home of Staff. The company's management team, leaders of all departments, senior executives of all departments and assistant ministers attended the meeting.


On January25, 2022, Kangni New Energy held the 2021 annual operation meeting and commendation meeting at the Home of Staff. The company's management team, leaders of all departments, senior executives of all departments and assistant ministers attended the meeting.




Firstly, President Hu reported on the completion of the key work of the company in 2021 and the key work plan for 2022. President Hu proposed that all centers and departments should deepen the strategic guidance, strengthen the business cooperation with foreign-funded, joint venture and newly built vehicle enterprises, speed up the development of new commercial vehicle customers, increase the sales force in the aftermarket, continue to carry out technology and product innovation internally, plan intelligent manufacturing, strengthen quality control, and strive to exceed the goals required by the planning.




In 2021, a group of employees who have made outstanding contributions to the development of the company emerged. Here, the company commended and rewarded these excellent employees, and awarded five awards, including annual excellent employee award, Best Newcomer Award, Innovation Talent Award, Operation Expert Award and Loyalty Honor Award.

The power of example is infinite. We hope all colleagues will work harder, dare to be the first, learn from the example, and strive to achieve the company's development goals.









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