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Do new energy vehicles need to be fully charged every time?

Before we start, let's take a look at the core of new energy vehicles - "battery". At present, the batteries of new energy vehicles mainly include lithium iron phosphate batteries and ternary lithium batteries.


Battery: lithium iron phosphate battery VS ternary lithium battery

Before we start, let's take a look at the core of new energy vehicles - "battery". At present, the batteries of new energy vehicles mainly include lithium iron phosphate batteries and ternary lithium batteries. The negative electrode material of both is graphite, and the electrolyte is also dominated by lithium hexafluorophosphate. One of the differences is the battery "positive". As the name suggests, lithium iron phosphate batteries use lithium iron phosphate as the positive electrode material, while ternary lithium batteries use nickel, cobalt, manganese (or aluminum) and lithium as the positive electrode materials. Different materials have different performances.

Lithium iron phosphate batteries have the advantages of low cost, long life, high safety, and high temperature resistance. Generally, the capacity of lithium iron phosphate battery is still not less than 80% after 2000 times of full cycle charging. At the same time, regardless of internal or external damage, the battery will not explode. In addition, due to the price of raw materials, the cost of lithium iron phosphate batteries is lower than that of ternary lithium batteries, and it is non-toxic and pollution-free.

However, ternary lithium batteries also have advantages that lithium iron phosphate batteries do not have, such as high energy density, high charging efficiency, and low temperature resistance. At present, the energy density of ternary lithium batteries is generally 240Wh/kg, and may reach 300Wh/kg in the future; the voltage platform is also higher than that of lithium iron phosphate batteries, which is more suitable for "fast charging". In addition, in the environment of minus 20 °C, the ternary lithium battery can release more than 70% of the capacity, while the lithium iron phosphate battery can only release about 55% of the capacity.

Charging: Unnecessary next capital filling, shallow charging shallow release best

Completion of understanding "Battery pond" structure, I will come back to see the battery. Similar to the "charged battery life" method, which is similar to the number of people in the city, the life of the battery is the same as that of the main city of the small car. As a matter of fact, this is a biased existence. Battery-like life, but non-concurrent non-relevant charge amount or person-charged order-calculated, battery-like complete circulation cycle determination —— After 100% use, the primary complete charge cycle. After the charge, the charge is 40%, the charge is 60%, the charge is 60%, the demand for the lower charge is 60%, and the charge is completed. This is the reason why this is the point of arrival, and the pursuit of the next capital is "filling" when the new Nogen train is charged.

At the same time, the battery was dead, and it was completely available. (Physical memory effect, directional memory effect, directional effect of charging and discharging for automatic memory, large capacity of battery with sufficient power capacity.) 20% ~ 90% degree left and right, this is the life of the high battery.

The reason for this, the above-mentioned two-dimensional visit, new Noh source car, undemanding, full-fledged, optional, shallow, shallow, best-of-breed method. It is possible to commute to work in the city on a daily basis, to go to work in a short time, to go out in a short time, to go to a place where there is a demand, and to have a regular charge at the same time.

Summer "fast charging" will not accelerate battery decay

With the advent of summer, the temperature in various places continues to rise, especially in the daytime, under the sunlight, many car owners worry that charging outdoors, especially "fast charging", will make the temperature of the new energy vehicle too high during the charging process, which will affect the battery life, and even cause safety hazards.

In fact, in this regard, the built-in BMS battery management system of electric vehicles will protect the battery and minimize damage to the battery by adjusting the electronic balance, battery temperature, charging voltage and current in the battery. Therefore, you don't need to worry too much when charging in summer.

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